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Improve Workflow and Efficiency with AutoLeap’s Workboard

By Kyle Zhao | July 20, 2022 | AutoLeap Features

Keeping track of your daily operations can be a hassle, especially if you rely on pen and paper to get the job done. Those days are long gone, however. It’s time for you to take your step into the future of auto repair.

Take advantage of the latest auto repair software to drive growth and make day-to-day operations management more manageable with AutoLeap’s built-in workboard.

The workboard display, known as the Kanban board, has been designed specifically to provide a good visual overview of the operations in a shop and make tasks easier to track. To that end, there are a number of features included to make this process easier.

Let’s discuss a few to see why this tool will be a great addition to your shop:

Click and drag functionality

Going into a repair order (RO) and changing the details manually to update the status of a job can be super tedious and time-consuming. Thankfully, we have a solution to this problem.

AutoLeap’s workboard offers simple drag-and-drop functionality that lets you arrange your ROs in boxes. You can drag those boxes to different columns and update the status of the RO. Here’s why this is a great addition to your operations:
  • Track orders at a glance: Just one look at the workboard will give you a complete overview of your current tasks. This allows you to stay updated with your orders every step of the way.

  • Update orders as required: Once orders need updates, a simple drag-and-drop functionality lets you complete this step immediately, letting your techs and managers know exactly what needs to be done.

  • Never miss deadlines: When you have multiple orders, it’s easy to lose track of specific orders and end up receiving a negative review. This Kanban board will ensure no RO gets lost in the pile.

Custom columns

No two shops are the exact same, and the status of ROs should reflect that. AutoLeap allows you to add custom columns to your Kanban board and customize the shop to your needs, all without losing your process.

For example, some shops may have a process that flows as such: RO created -> Tech assigned -> Vehicle dropped-off -> Order completed. By clicking the “+” symbol between two columns, you can add a new column and name it as you wish—so you never have to worry about adapting to a whole new process for repairs!

Advanced search options

The advanced search bar on the Kanban board has a powerful search feature that allows you to look for an order by RO number, customer name, and even tags assigned to each order. This feature can be very useful if you forget an RO number but remember the customer’s name. Typing in a search bar is definitely better than combing through each RO manually, so be sure to take advantage of this feature when needed!

Track each mechanic

Having overworked technicians is one of the fastest ways to end up delivering subpar service. The “technicians” menu allows you to filter your board by the tech assigned. From there, you can check up on the tasks for each mechanic. This lets you make sure that no tech is overloaded with tasks while other techs sit idle. Remember, your technicians are the lifeblood of your auto repair shop. Make sure to treat them well!

Closing thoughts

Using a workboard to manage operations adds an extra layer of simplicity and customization that you just can’t get with pen and paper. With an easy-to-use Kanban board and powerful search options, you can make sure to stay on top of your operations and take care of customers and technicians. Take advantage of the latest in automation and management tools to take your business to the next level.

Auto Repair Shop Management Software

AutoLeap is a powerful all-in-one auto repair shop software that helps to keep complete track of your business – from scheduling appointments to managing technicians and generating invoices.

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