Podcast Preview (Episode 1): How to Run a Successful Auto Repair Shop

We are thrilled to introduce The Shop Management Show, AutoLeap’s new podcast. 

Each episode, we will speak with AutoLeap customers and partners about their shop management experiences. Discussion topics will cover everything from the technician shortage to the emergence of electric vehicles and ADAS. 

Let’s dive into some highlights from episode one!  

» Want to grow your auto repair business? Click here to schedule a demo.

Recap from episode one

In The Shop Management Show’s inaugural episode, I was thrilled to be joined by Steve Rodriguez, owner of Steve & Sons in Melbourne, FL. 

Steve and I discussed: 

  • His experience starting a shop with no automotive background

  • Early shop management challenges and learning on the fly

  • Valuing transparency as a shop owner

  • Prioritizing new customers during busy season

  • Honesty and integrity as core shop principles

  • And much more!

Let’s reflect on some of the valuable insights and advice that Steve shared. 

On values to operate your business by

Steve, a retired military veteran with 24 years of distinguished service, operates his business and life based on strict values. 

Guiding principles like honesty and integrity have shaped his journey into the auto repair industry. These qualities have also helped him build strong relationships with customers at Steve & Sons. 

On advice for fellow shop owners

Steve shares strong advice on the importance of shop management software, building confidence with your team, and winning new business. 

Here are some snippets from the advice he shared: 

  • The role of shop management software: “Get an all-inclusive software that gives you numbers. Every morning, I see what I made the day before, the week before, the month before, this week last year.” 

  • Let your team know their value: “I let them see the numbers. Your team has to know their importance.”


  • Keep winning new business: “Once the customer calls me, right then and there, it’s my job to get the car here. Not in two weeks, not because we’re busy. I want every single customer to come here.”

» Looking to transform your shop? Discover how AutoLeap can help.

Closing thoughts

Subscribe to the Shop Management Show today for the full episode with Steve and more engaging conversations with shop leaders. The podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and most popular streaming services. 

Auto Repair Shop Management Software

AutoLeap is a powerful all-in-one auto repair shop software that helps to keep complete track of your business – from scheduling appointments to managing technicians and generating invoices.

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