Revving Up Success: Spincam Tirecraft Accelerates with AutoLeap!

Discover how a passionate car enthusiast’s shop soared to new heights, tripling Google reviews and boosting sales, all within a year.

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Spincam's Story: A Journey Unfolds

From a young age, Cam’s fascination with cars led him to transition from the food industry to auto repair in 2007. Motivated by his love for cars and goal to offer the best customer experience, he began his journey in the field with his wife. Initially joining a franchise, he established his first shop in Richmond Hill, Ontario.


In 2013, an exciting opportunity came his way when he partnered with Wendel Clark, the famous Toronto Maple Leafs captain. Together, they expanded to four locations, with their Vaughan branch earning acclaim as the “Garage of the Year” by Service Station and Garage Management Magazine in its inaugural year.


After a decade, they went their separate ways, and Cam found a great match with Tirecraft. In March of 2019, their great work shone through, winning them the “Shop of the Month” award from Tire News Magazine. However, Cam wanted to go above and beyond with his customer experience and that’s when he found AutoLeap.

The first thing that appealed to me about AutoLeap was that the system is a web based system, meaning it can be accessed anywhere in the world.
Cam Campli

Why AutoLeap?

Since using Autoleap, our sales have grown nearly from just over a million in 2021 to 1.4 million in 2022 and 1.8 million in 2023. A 28% and a 22% increase respectively. Not bad for a four bay shop.
Cam Campli

Key Benefits from AutoLeap

Using AutoLeap has brought key benefits to Spincam Tirecraft, making everyday tasks easier and boosting growth. Here are the main advantages they’ve experienced:

Increased Efficiency

AutoLeap's easy-to-build repair orders and invoices help service writers save hours a day on administrative tasks.

Financial Management

QuickBooks integration and robust reporting features has streamlined bookkeeping and tax reporting.

Customer Satisfaction

AutoLeap’s ease of use and transparency has improved the customer experience, building the shop's popularity and trust.

Thanks to AutoLeap, we have more than tripled our Google reviews. We are now over 500 reviews with a 4.7 rating. I mean, AutoLeap didn't help with the 4.7 rating, that's all on us, but the 500 reviews are all AutoLeap.
Cam Campli