How to Upsell Auto Repair Services with Email and SMS Marketing

How to Upsell Auto Repair Services with Email and SMS Marketing

Ever wondered how you could be leaving money on the table by not leveraging the right marketing channels for your auto repair shop? Imagine having the power to remind your customers about crucial maintenance services and repairs they need, all while boosting your revenue. That’s where email and SMS marketing come in!

In today’s fast-paced world, these two marketing tools have become essential for every business, especially auto repair shops. They’re more than just a way to stay connected with customers—they can help you upsell additional services and keep your bays full!

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The power of upselling in the auto repair industry

Upselling is a gold mine. It’s like when you go to a restaurant for a burger, and they ask, “Would you like fries with that?” Suddenly, your $10 meal turns into a $15 deal, and you’re still happy! The same applies to auto repair. If someone comes in for an oil change, you could upsell them a tire rotation or brake inspection. Small offers like these can add up quickly, they boost your bottom line without feeling pushy.

Now, here’s the secret sauce: combine email & SMS marketing to seamlessly communicate these upsell opportunities. Each platform serves its purpose, but when used together, they form a super-effective duo.

The synergy between email and SMS marketing

Email and SMS marketing complement each other perfectly. Think of email as your longer, more detailed conversation, while SMS is your quick, to-the-point message. When used together, they can create a cohesive and engaging communication strategy that reaches your customers at the right moment. 

Benefits of email vs SMS marketing

Let’s take a closer look at the unique benefits of each channel to see how they can enhance your upselling strategy.  

Email Marketing SMS Marketing
Allows for longer, more comprehensive messages, such as maintenance tips, service details, and promotional offers. Quick and direct messages, perfect for reminders or time-sensitive offers.
You can include images, videos, and detailed design elements to enhance engagement. SMS messages have nearly instant open rates, making them effective for immediate communication.
Ideal for sending mass emails to a large customer base without significant costs. Feels more personal and immediate, with a direct call to action (e.g., reply to book or click to schedule).
Great for sending out detailed information about upcoming services, seasonal offers, and events. Perfect for urgent reminders, such as last-minute service slots or flash deals.
Provides in-depth tracking data like open rates, click-through rates, and engagement metrics. Higher response rates due to the quick nature of SMS and its shorter format.
Emails can sit in inboxes for longer, allowing customers to revisit them when convenient. Ideal for reminders, confirmations, and brief updates.
Emails offer flexibility with content formatting, including bullet points, headers, and clickable buttons. Simple opt-in and opt-out processes make SMS convenient for customer management.

By combining these two channels, you can ensure your customers get the full story—without overwhelming them. 

How to plan your upsell strategy

Now that we’ve got the channels down, how do you make sure you’re upselling the right services at the right time? It starts with a solid strategy

1. Identify upsell opportunities

Think about the services you can offer your customers based on what they already need. If someone is coming in for a routine check, why not suggest seasonal maintenance like a coolant flush for winter or air conditioning service for summer? High-margin services like tire alignments or brake pad replacements are also great candidates for upselling. 

2. Segment your audience

Not all customers are the same. Use their service history, vehicle type, or previous responses to segment them into groups. For example:


  • Customers who regularly service their cars might appreciate a reminder for their next tune-up.
  • Those who rarely visit may need an incentive, like a discount for tire rotations. 

Segmentation makes your messages more relevant and increases the chances of success.

Best practices for email marketing in upselling

When it comes to email marketing, upselling is all about delivering value without overwhelming your audience. 

1. Content creation

The key is to create content that speaks directly to your customer’s needs. Instead of saying, “Buy this service,” explain why it’s beneficial. For example: “Did you know that a tire rotation can help extend the life of your tires and improve your gas mileage? Schedule yours today!”  

2. Timing and frequency

Timing is everything. Right after a service appointment is the perfect time to offer an upsell—your customer’s car is top of mind, and they’re already in maintenance mode. You can also send emails during vehicle-specific maintenance seasons, like suggesting a battery check before winter. 

3. Personalization

Don’t just blast out the same message to everyone. Use their name, vehicle details, or service history to personalize the content. For example: “Hey Mike, your Honda Accord is due for a brake check. We noticed it’s been a while since your last one—schedule today to ensure your brakes are in top shape!” Find out more templates here.

Best practices for SMS marketing in upselling

SMS marketing is short and sweet. With a limited number of characters, every word counts.  

1. Concise and clear

Keep your messages clear and to the point. Here’s an example: “Hi Sarah, we’re offering 15% off tire alignments today only! Reply YES to book your spot.” 

2. Immediate call-to-action

With SMS, you want a quick response. Make it easy for your customers by including a direct call-to-action. Whether it’s “Reply YES” or “Click to Schedule,” simplicity is key. 

3. Timing of messages

When is the best time to send SMS messages? Aim for mid-afternoon or early evening when people are more likely to check their phones. Avoid sending messages too early in the morning or too late at night.

Integrating email and SMS for a unified upselling approach

To truly maximize your upselling potential, you need to integrate email and SMS marketing seamlessly. 

1. Coordinated messages

Ensure your email and SMS messages are aligned. For instance, send an email with detailed service information and follow it up with a quick SMS reminder. The two should work together without overwhelming your customer. 

2. Cross-promotion of channels

You can also use one channel to promote the other. For example, include an SMS opt-in within your emails, or use SMS to preview an upcoming email with more information. This cross-promotion keeps both communication lines open and effective.

Closing thoughts

In today’s competitive auto repair market, using email and SMS marketing to upsell services is a no-brainer. Together, these two channels offer a dynamic way to engage customers, provide them with valuable information, and, most importantly, increase your revenue. 

Whether you’re reminding customers about seasonal maintenance or promoting high-margin services, a well-planned upselling strategy can make all the difference. So, start combining your email and SMS efforts today and watch your upselling success take off!

Auto Repair Shop Management Software

AutoLeap is a powerful all-in-one auto repair shop software that helps to keep complete track of your business – from scheduling appointments to managing technicians and generating invoices.

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