Planned Product Updates December 2023

Hey AutoLeap Pros!
In this month’s product release, we’ve focused heavily on improving existing workflows. Many of these changes ensure fast and consistent performance of existing features, so may not be immediately noticeable. In addition to these performance enhancements, we have also made a few improvements to our TIre Storage, Marketing, and Authorization Reminders functionality, among other things. Please see the full list of updates below!
NEW! Feature How-To Videos Now Available!
Check out the links below to see new How-to videos, created by request to help you easily learn how to use new features!
For the new beta features and improvements that we’ve launched, please reach out to us directly and we will be happy to help you try them out.
As with all releases, please hard refresh your browsers (Ctrl + F5) on your next login and remind
your Technicians to do the same on their devices. Thanks!
Marketing Message Delivery Status
View delivery status of Promotional Campaign SMS messages
For all Promotional Campaigns, you are now able to view the total number of SMS messages that will be sent for that campaign, how many have currently been sent, how many failed to send, and how many are remaining in the queue to be sent. These details give you better awareness of the current progress on large campaigns, as they may take a few minutes to send out all messages. Additionally, you’ll quickly be able to identify if the campaign was successfully delivered to most customers or if any error occurred in the delivery process.
RepairLink Opens in Full Screen
A larger RepairLink screen makes it easier to order parts and view schematics
The RepairLink window now opens in full screen mode to make it easier to order parts, view schematics, and generally navigate the web page. All the functionality remains the same, but in an easier to view format.
Print Tax Summary - Items Report as PDF
Perfect for sharing the Tax Summary - Items report with accountants
Click the Print button to generate a PDF version of the Tax Summary – Items report that can be easily printed or emailed to your accountants. You can also view the Print Log to see the last time a PDF was generated and confirm you’ve sent updated numbers to accounting.
Tire Storage - Additional Functionality
More search and edit options + Print Tire storage stickers on the Tire storage page
On the Tire Storage page within Inventory, we have made a number of improvements. You can now search this page by the tire storage number, customer name, vehicle name, associated RO number, and tire details. You can also change details that were initially entered incorrectly, like tire brand, model, size, seasonality, and part number. Additionally, tire storage stickers can be printed directly from this page. All of these updates are intended to make it easier for you to manage your overall Tire storage inventory from one place.
Appointment Requests Shown by Default
Prevent double-booking calendar appointments
When you view your calendar, you’ll now see appointment requests populate on the calendar by default. Previously, these were only shown on the side panel unless you ticked the small “Appt. requests” checkbox to show them on the calendar itself. If you prefer not to see appointment requests directly on the calendar, simply uncheck the Appt. requests checkbox and they will be hidden from view until you choose to turn them back on.
RO Authorization Reminders on by Default
Automatically send reminders to customers who haven’t authorized their Estimates
When sending an Estimate to a customer, Authorization Reminders will be turned on by default. This means that if a customer doesn’t authorize the Estimate that day, they will automatically receive a reminder the following day. These reminders ensure customers submit authorization faster so you can get started on the repairs.
Default Settings for Scheduling Pick Ups
When Invoicing, the Schedule Pick Up option can now be defaulted off or on
When invoicing, AutoLeap gives you an option to schedule a time for the customer to pick up their vehicles. For shops that don’t schedule vehicle pickups on the calendar, service writers previously needed to switch this off on every invoice. With this update, you can make the option to schedule a vehicle pick up turned off by default, saving you time when invoicing.
- Resolved an issue preventing some users from selecting a customer in the dropdown when creating a new appointment
- Addressed an issue where the Services Invoiced report was incorrectly summing the total column values
- Fixed a bug causing duplicated Estimates to be missing from the Kanban board
- Resolved an issue where the Historical sales/reorder trend graph for Inventory items was only showing the most recent 5 ROs containing each item
- Fixed a bug causing Marketing campaigns to incorrectly show the number of contacts targeted for the campaign upon sending, even though the campaign was showing the correct values earlier in the process and was sending to the correct number of contacts
- Resolved an issue causing some ROs to move to the Paid column on the Kanban board before payment was applied